These are some of my publications including scientific articles [a] (also in Google Scholar and in ORCID), book chapters and collective works [a]; and some op-eds, long interviews, and media [m]. If you cannot find them please write me and I'll be happy to send a copy.
[a93] Lin, L., Dacal, E., Diez, N., Carmona, C., Martin Ramirez, A., Baron Argos, L., ... & Luengo Oroz, M. Edge Artificial Intelligence for real-time automatic quantification of filariasis in mobile microscopy. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 18 (4), e0012117.
[a92] Bermejo-Peláez, David, et al. Leveraging AI for Predicting Genetic Alterations in Multiple Myeloma through Morphological Analysis of Bone Marrow Aspirates. Blood 144 (2024): 2230.
[a91] López-Caro, Álvaro, et al. Artificial Intelligence Models for Risk Stratification and Prognosis in AML-NOS. Blood 144. Supplement 1 (2024): 7509-7509.
[a90] Mancebo-Martin, Roberto, et al. "How many labels do I need? Self-supervised learning strategies for multiple blood parasites classification in microscopy images." International Symposium On Biomedical Imaging 2024 DOI: 10.1109/ISBI56570.2024.10635899
[a89] Bermejo-Peláez, D., Rueda Charro, S., García Roa, M., Trelles-Martínez, R., Bobes-Fernández, A., Hidalgo Soto, M., ... & Luengo-Oroz, M. Digital Microscopy Augmented by Artificial Intelligence to Interpret Bone Marrow Samples for Hematological Diseases. Microscopy and Microanalysis, ozad143 (2024).
[a88] Bermejo-Peláez, David, et al. Artificial intelligence-driven mobile interpretation of a semi-quantitative cryptococcal antigen lateral flow assay. IMA fungus 15.1 (2024): 27.
[a87] Rodriguez-Valero, N., Ledesma-Carbayo, M. J., Martí-Soler, H., Cuadrado Sanchez, D., Vladimirov, A., Camprubí-Ferrer, D., ... & Luengo Oroz, M. A Smartphone App for Real-Time Assessment of Malaria Prophylaxis Adverse Events. Telemedicine and e-Health. (2024)
[a86] Sekara, Vedran, et al. The Opportunities, Limitations, and Challenges in Using Machine Learning Technologies for Humanitarian Work and Development. Advances in Complex Systems (ACS) 27 (03), 1-16 (2024).
[m24] La medicina esta lista para la IA. El Pais, 25/11/24
[m23] Si la democracia no es muy sólida, la IA puede usarse para oprimir a minorías. La Nueva España, 4/2/24
[a85] Varo, Rosauro, et al., Evaluation of the Performance of a 3D-Printed Smartphone-Based Retinal Imaging Device as a Screening Tool for Retinal Pathology in Mozambique., The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene vol. 109, no 5, p. 1192-1198 (2023).
[a84] M Cervera, ... & M Luengo-Oroz. Assessment of Artificial Intelligence Language Models and Information Retrieval Strategies for QA in Hematology Blood. Supplement 1. 142 (2023): 7175.
[a83] K Hoffmann Pham & M Luengo-Oroz, Predictive modeling of movements of refugees and internally displaced people: Towards a computational framework Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 1-37, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2022.2100546
[a82] Ng, Y. M. M., Hoffmann Pham, K., & Luengo-Oroz, M. (2023). Exploring YouTube’s Recommendation System in the Context of COVID-19 Vaccines: Computational and Comparative Analysis of Video Trajectories. Journal of medical Internet research, 25, e49061.
[a81] Bermejo-Peláez, David, et al., Digital Platform for Automatic Qualitative and Quantitative Reading of a Cryptococcal Antigen Point-of-Care Assay Leveraging Smartphones and Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Fungi 9.2 (2023): 217.
[a80] Zarpellon, Giulia, et al. Mitigating Disease Spread by Design in Refugee and IDP Camps. 2023 ICLR First Workshop on Machine Learning Global Health.
[a79] National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. 2023 Nobel Prize Summit: Truth, Trust, and Hope: Proceedings of a Summit. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. (Reviewer of Nobel Prize Summit Proceedings)
[a78] M Luengo-Oroz, et al., Understanding population movement under uncertainty in humanitarian and public health emergencies in Harnessing Data Innovation for Migration Policy: A Handbook for Practitioners, International Organization for Migration (IOM), ISBN 78-92-9268-445-7 (2023).
[m22] Las profesiones de la IA generativa. El, 29/12/23
[m21] La IA puede ser una especie invasora de la biosfera lingüística. El, 9/12/23
[m20] IA, salud e impacto social Metafuturo, Atresmedia, 20/10/23
[m19] The AI genie is out of the lamp: We must be prepared for its social impact. El Pais, 31/7/23
[m18] Cuidado al elegir copiloto de IA, El, 27/7/23
[m17] Inteligencia artificial: ¿Hacia dónde vamos?, El, 13/5/23
[m16] We Forgot To Give Neural Networks The Ability To Forget, Forbes Magazine, 25/1/23
[a77] J Aylett-Bullock, ... & M Luengo-Oroz Epidemiological modelling in refugee and internally displaced people settlements: challenges and ways forward BMJ global health 7 (3), e007822
[a76] D Bermejo-Peláez, ... & M Luengo-Oroz. The Augmented Hematologist: Human-AI Feedback Loops to Assist Differential Cell Count during the Analysis of Bone Marrow Aspirates. Blood 140.Supplement 1 (2022): 10736-10737.
[a75] D Bermejo-Peláez, et al, Deep learning-based lesion subtyping and prediction of clinical outcomes in COVID-19 pneumonia using chest CT Scientific Reports 12 (1), 1-11
[a74] D Perrotta, et al, Comparing sources of mobility for modelling the epidemic spread of Zika virus in Colombia, PLoS neglected tropical diseases 16 (7), e0010565
[a73] LG Delgado, ... & M Luengo-Oroz Remote analysis of sputum smears for mycobacterium tuberculosis quantification using digital crowdsourcing Plos one 17 (5), e0268494
[a72] N Rodriguez-Valero, et al, Telemedicine for international travelers through a Smartphone-based monitoring platform (Trip Doctor®) Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 10235
[a71] D Bermejo-Peláez, et al. Smartphone-based Platform Assisted by Artificial Intelligence for Reading and Reporting Rapid Diagnostic Tests: Application to SARS-CoV-2 Lateral Flow Immunoassays. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (2022).
[a70] World Health Organization. Imagining the future of pandemics and epidemics: a 2022 perspective. (2022). [contributor]
[m15] Pathways to impact: Conversations with data science for social impact leaders on their career journeys,, 15/6/22
[a69] J Aylett-Bullock, ... & M Luengo-Oroz Operational response simulation tool for epidemics within refugee and IDP settlements: A scenario-based case study of the Cox’s Bazar settlement PLoS computational biology 17 (10), e1009360
[a68] J García-Villena, ... & M Luengo-Oroz 3D-Printed Portable Robotic Mobile Microscope for Remote Diagnosis of Global Health Diseases Electronics 10 (19), 2408
[a67] L Lin, ... & M Luengo-Oroz Combining collective and artificial intelligence for global health diseases diagnosis using crowdsourced annotated medical images 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2021, pp. 3344-3348,
[a66] Jobin, A., Man, K., Damasio, A., Kaissis, G., Braren, R., Stoyanovich, J., ... & Luengo-Oroz, M. (2021). AI reflections in 2020. Nature Machine Intelligence, 3(1), 2-8.
[a65] Luengo-Oroz, M. et al. From Artificial Intelligence Bias to Inequality in the Time of COVID-19. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 40.1 (2021): 71-79.
[a64] Dacal, E., Bermejo-Peláez, D., Lin, L., Álamo, E., Cuadrado, D., Martínez, Á., ... & Luengo-Oroz, M. (2021). Mobile microscopy and telemedicine platform assisted by deep learning for quantification of Trichuris trichiura infection. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 15 (9), e0009677
[a63] Resource Guide on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategies, United Nations, June 2021 [contributor]
[m14] Pueden los datos ser éticos? Por tres razonas, Radio Nacional de España, 23/12/21
[m13] Jugar a videojuegos para ayudar a la ciencia, Pienso, Luego Actuo, 21/4/21
[a62] Luengo-Oroz, M. Pham, K.H. Bullock, J., Kirkpatrick R. et al, Artificial intelligence cooperation to support the global response to COVID-19, Nature Machine Intelligence, 2, pp 295–297 (2020)
[a61] Luccioni, A., Bullock, J., Pham, K. H., Lam, C. S. N., & Luengo-Oroz, M. (2020). Considerations, Good Practices, Risks and Pitfalls in Developing AI Solutions Against COVID-19. arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.09043.
[a60] Pham, K.H., & Luengo-Oroz, M. (2020). From plague to coronavirus: vessel trajectory data from ship automatic identification systems for epidemic modeling. Journal of Travel Medicine,
[a59] Bullock, J., Pham, K. H., Lam, C. S. N., & Luengo-Oroz, M. (2020). Mapping the landscape of artificial intelligence applications against COVID-19. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 69 (2020) 807-845 / arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.11336 .
[a58] Ortuño, Juan E., et al. Stitching Methodology for Whole Slide Low-Cost Robotic Microscope Based on a Smartphone. 2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). IEEE, 2020.
[a57] Logar, T., Bullock, J., Nemni, E., Bromley, L., Quinn, J. A., & Luengo-Oroz, M. (2020). PulseSatellite: A tool using human-AI feedback loops for satellite image analysis in humanitarian contexts. Proc AAAI 2020. p. 13628-13629.
[a56] Luengo-Oroz, M. Solidarity should be a core ethical principle of AI. Nature Machine Intelligence 1.11 (2019): 494.
[a55] Boy, J., Pastor-Escuredo, D., Macguire, D., Jimenez, R. M., & Luengo-Oroz, M. (2019). Towards an understanding of refugee segregation, isolation, homophily and ultimately integration in Turkey using call detail records. In Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios (pp. 141-164). Springer, Cham.
[a55] Pastor-Escuredo, D., Imai, A., Luengo-Oroz, M., & Macguire, D. (2019). Call Detail Records to Obtain Estimates of Forcibly Displaced Populations. In Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios (pp. 29-52). Springer, Cham.
[a54] Bullock, J., & Luengo-Oroz, M. (2019). Automated Speech Generation from UN General Assembly Statements: Mapping Risks in AI Generated Texts, AI for Social Good Workshop, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01946.
[a53] Linares, M., Postigo, M., Cuadrado, D., Ortiz-Ruiz, A., Gil-Casanova, S., Vladimirov, A., García-Villena, J., Nuñez-Escobedo, J.M., Martínez-López, J., Rubio, J.M., Ledesma-Carbayo, M.J., Santos, A., Bassat, Q., Luengo-Oroz, M. Collaborative Intelligence and Gamification for On-Line Malaria Species Differentiation. Malaria Journal, 18:21. Jan. 2019 doi: 10.1186/s12936-019-2662-9.
[a52] AI as augmentation rather than substitute for human intelligence by M. Luengo-Oroz, in WIPO Technology Trends 2019: Artificial Intelligence. Geneva: World Intellectual Property Organization (2019).
[m12] AI, Solidarity And The Future Of Humanity Luengo-Oroz, Miguel & Frischen, Konstanze, Forbes Magazine, Nov19, 2019
[m11] La inteligencia artificial tiene una deuda contigo, Luengo-Oroz, Firma Invitada, El Pais Retina, 7 Jan 2019
[a51] John A. Quinn, Marguerite M. Nyhan, Celia Navarro, Davide Coluccia, Lars Bromley, Miguel Luengo-Oroz: Humanitarian applications of machine learning with remote-sensing data: review and case study in refugee settlement mapping. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 09/2018; 376(2128):20170363., DOI:10.1098/rsta.2017.0363
[a50] KH Pham, J Boy, M Luengo-Oroz, Data Fusion to Describe and Quantify Search and Rescue Operations in the Mediterranean Sea 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, Turin, Italy, 2018, pp. 514-523. doi: 10.1109/DSAA.2018.00066
[a49] Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, et al: On the privacy-conscientious use of mobile phone data. Scientific Data 12/2018; 5:180286., DOI:10.1038/sdata.2018.286
[a48] Natalia Rodriguez-Valero, et al: Mobile based surveillance platform for detecting Zika virus among Spanish Delegates attending the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. PLoS ONE 08/2018; 13(8):e0201943., DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0201943
[a47] Alejandra Ortiz-Ruiz, María Postigo, Sara Gil-Casanova, Daniel Cuadrado, José M. Bautista, José Miguel Rubio, Miguel Luengo-Oroz, María Linares: Plasmodium species differentiation by non-expert on-line volunteers for remote malaria field diagnosis. Malaria Journal 12/2018; 17(1):54., DOI:10.1186/s12936-018-2194-8
[a46] Riccardo Di Clemente, Miguel Luengo-Oroz, Matias Travizano, Sharon Xu, Marta C. Gonzalez: Sequences of purchases in credit card data reveal life styles in urban populations. Nature Communications 08/2018; 9(3330)., DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-05690-8
[a45] Pedro J. Zufiria, David Pastor-Escuredo, Luis Úbeda-Medina, Miguel A. Hernandez-Medina, Iker Barriales-Valbuena, Alfredo J. Morales, Damien C. Jacques, Wilfred Nkwambi, M. Bamba Diop, John Quinn, Paula Hidalgo-Sanchís, Miguel Luengo-Oroz: Identifying seasonal mobility profiles from anonymized and aggregated mobile phone data. Application in food security. PLoS ONE 04/2018; 13(4):e0195714., DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0195714
[a44] N Rodriguez-Valero, et al. Real-time incidence of travel-related symptoms through a smartphone-based app remote monitoring system: a pilot study Journal of travel medicine 25 (1), tay034
[a43] Better Data for Doing Good: Responsible Use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence by Phillippa Biggs, Felicia Vacarelu, Miguel Luengo-Oroz, Mila Romanoff, and Robert Kirkpatrick in Kelly, Timothy John Charles; et al. Information and Communication for Development 2018 : Data-Driven Development . Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.
[a42] The State of Broadband: Broadband catalyzing sustainable development, Broadband Commission - United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 2018
[m10] La ONU apuesta fuerte por el análisis de datos para salvar vidas, Manuel Pascual, El Pais Retina 7 May 2018
[a41] Ran D Balicer, Miguel Luengo-Oroz, Chandra Cohen-Stavi, Enrique Loyola, Frederiek Mantingh, Liudmyla Romanoff, Gauden Galea: Using big data for non-communicable disease surveillance. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 11/2017; 6(8)., DOI:10.1016/S2213-8587(17)30372-8
[a40] René Clausen Nielsen, Miguel Luengo-Oroz, Maeve B Mello, Josi Paz, Colin Pantin, Taavi Erkkola: Social Media Monitoring of Discrimination and HIV Testing in Brazil, 2014-2015. AIDS and Behavior 03/2017; 21(9839)., DOI:10.1007/s10461-017-1753-2
[a39] Margarita Cabrera-Bean, Alba Pages-Zamora, Carles Diaz-Vilor, Maria Postigo-Camps, Daniel Cuadrado-Sanchez, Miguel Luengo-Oroz: Counting malaria parasites with a two-stage EM based algorithm using crowdsourced data. 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC); 07/2017, DOI:10.1109/EMBC.2017.8037311
[a38] Using big data to study rescue patterns in the Mediterranean by Katherine Hoffmann, Jeremy Boy, James Leon-Dufour, Duncan Breen, Christopher Earney, and Miguel Luengo-Oroz in Fatal Journeys Volume 3 Part 1: Improving Data on Missing Migrants. International Organization for Migration .ISSN: 2522-7327. E-ISBN: 978-92-9068-744-3. (2017)
[a37] Social Media and Forced Displacement: Big Data Analytics and Machine-Learning, White Paper, UN Global Pulse & UNHCR Innovation service (Sep 2017).
[a36] The State of Mobile Data for Social Good, UN Global Pulse & GSMA (Jun 2017)
[a35] Big data and the well-being of women and girls: applications on the social scientific frontier. Vaitla, Bapu, et al., Data2X (2017).
[a34] Luengo-Oroz, Miguel; From big data to humanitarian-in-the-loop algorithms, in Essays from the edge of humanitarian innovation, UNHCR, 2017.
[m9] La Observadora, Entrevista con Miguel Luengo por Teresa Viejo, Radio Nacional de España, 11 Jun 2017
[a33] Elena Alfaro Martinez, Maria Hernandez Rubio, Roberto Maestre Martinez, Juan Murillo Arias, Dario Patane, Amanda Zerbe, Robert Kirkpatrick, Miguel Luengo-Oroz: Measuring Economic Resilience to Natural Disasters with Big Economic Transaction Data. Data for Good Exchange (2016)
[a32] Desislava Hristova, Alex Rutherford, Jose Anson, Miguel Luengo-Oroz, Cecilia Mascolo: The International Postal Network and Other Global Flows As Proxies for National Wellbeing. PLoS ONE 01/2016; 11(6)., DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0155976
[a31] A Guide to data innovation for development, United Nations Development Program & UN Global Pulse (2016)
[a30] 10 Big data science challenges facing humanitarian organizations, by M Luengo-Oroz, UNHCR Innovation website, November 22, 2016
[a29] Albers L. Gamers join real-life fight against malaria and tuberculosis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2016;16:418.
[m8] 5 Q’s for Miguel Luengo-Oroz, Chief Scientist at UN Global Pulse by Alexander Kostura, Center For Data Innovation, August 9, 2016
[a28] Big Data for Development in action: The Global Pulse Project Series, UN Global Pulse, 9 Jul 2015
[m7] El lado bueno del Internet de las Cosas, El Huffington Post, M luengo-Oroz, 1 Feb 2015
[a27] David Pastor-Escuredo, Alfredo Morales-Guzmán, Yolanda Torres-Fernández, Jean-Martin Bauer, Amit Wadhwa, Carlos Castro-Correa, Liudmyla Romanoff, Jong Gun Lee, Alex Rutherford, Vanessa Frias-Martinez, Nuria Oliver, Enrique Frias-Martinez, Miguel Luengo-Oroz: Flooding through the lens of mobile phone activity. IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014) DOI:10.1109/GHTC.2014.6970293
[a26] Adeline Decuyper, Alex Rutherford, Amit Wadhwa, Jean-Martin Bauer, Gautier Krings, Thoralf Gutierrez, Vincent D. Blondel, Miguel A. Luengo-Oroz: Estimating Food Consumption and Poverty Indices with Mobile Phone Data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.2595
[a25] Carlos Castro-González, Miguel A Luengo-Oroz, Louise Duloquin, Thierry Savy, Barbara Rizzi, Sophie Desnoulez, René Doursat, Yannick L Kergosien, María J Ledesma-Carbayo, Paul Bourgine, Nadine Peyriéras, Andrés Santos: A Digital Framework to Build, Visualize and Analyze a Gene Expression Atlas with Cellular Resolution in Zebrafish Early Embryogenesis. PLoS Computational Biology 06/2014; 10(6):e1003670., DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003670
[m6] Can twitter be a force against HIV discrimination? The Guardian, T Erkkola & M Luengo-Oroz, 13 Nov 2014
[m5] Xenofobia genética, El Huffington Post, M Luengo-Oroz, 21 Aug 2014
[m4] Cuando el Big Data encontró al Cambio Climático, El Huffington Post, M Luengo Oroz, 25 Jun 2014
[m3] Ciencia antidisciplinar: ¿Pueden los robots escribir poesía?, El Huffington Post, M Luengo Oroz, 11 May 2014
[a24] David Pastor-Escuredo, Thierry Savy, Miguel A. Luengo-Oroz: Can Fires, Night Lights, and Mobile Phones reveal behavioral fingerprints useful for Development?. Orange-D4D Challenge, NetMob 2013, arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.00549
[m3] Diagnóstico de multitudes, Portrait by Nicolas Alonso, Revista Que Pasa, Chile, 30 Oct 2013
[a23] Miguel Angel Luengo-Oroz, Asier Arranz, John Frean: Crowdsourcing Malaria Parasite Quantification: An Online Game for Analyzing Images of Infected Thick Blood Smears. Journal of Medical Internet Research 11/2012; 14(6):e167., DOI:10.2196/jmir.2338
[a22] D. Pastor-Escuredo, M. A. Luengo-Oroz, Louise Duloquin, B. Lombardot, M. Ledesma-Carbayo, P. Bourgine, Nadine Peyriéras, A. Santos: Spatio-temporal filtering with morphological operators for robust cell migration estimation in ”in-vivo” images. Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro 05/2012;, DOI:10.1109/ISBI.2012.6235804
[a21] Miguel A. Luengo-Oroz, D Pastor, C Castro, Emmanuel Faure, Thierry Savy, Benoit Lombardot, Jose L. Rubio-Guivernau, Louise Duloquin, Maria J. Ledesma-Carbayo, Paul Bourgine, Nadine Peyrieras, Andres Santos: 3D+t Morphological Processing: Applications to Embryogenesis Image Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 05/2012; 21(8)., DOI:10.1109/TIP.2012.2197007
[a20] L. Prashad, E. Kaplan, E. Letouze, R. Kirkpatrick, M. Luengo-Oroz, P. R. Christensen: From Pixels to Population Stress: Global Multispectral Remote Sensing for Vulnerable Communities. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011
[a19] Miguel A Luengo-Oroz, Jose L Rubio-Guivernau, Emmanuel Faure, Thierry Savy, Louise Duloquin, Nicolas Olivier, David Pastor, Maria Ledesma-Carbayo, Delphine Débarre, Paul Bourgine, Emmanuel Beaurepaire, Nadine Peyriéras, Andres Santos: Methodology for Reconstructing Early Zebrafish Development From In Vivo Multiphoton Microscopy. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 12/2011; 21(4):2335-40., DOI:10.1109/TIP.2011.2177911
[a18] Jose L Rubio-Guivernau, Vasily Gurchenkov, Miguel A Luengo-Oroz, Louise Duloquin, Paul Bourgine, Andres Santos, Nadine Peyrieras, Maria J Ledesma-Carbayo: Wavelet-based image fusion in multi-view three-dimensional microscopy. Bioinformatics 11/2011; 28(2):238-45., DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/btr609
[a17] M A Luengo-Oroz, M J Ledesma-Carbayo, N Peyriéras, A Santos: Image Analysis for Understanding Embryo Development: A Bridge From Microscopy to Biological Insights. Current opinion in genetics & development 09/2011; 21(5):630-7., DOI:10.1016/j.gde.2011.08.001
[a16] Carlos Castro, Miguel Ángel Luengo-Oroz, Louise Douloquin, Thierry Savy, Camilo Melani, Sophie Desnoulez, Paul Bourgine, Nadine Peyriéras, María Jesús Ledesma-Carbayo, Andrés Santos: Image processing challenges in the creation of spatiotemporal gene expression atlases of developing embryos. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference 08/2011; 2011:6841-4., DOI:10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091687
[a15] Miguel A. Luengo-Oroz: Spatially-Variant Structuring Elements Inspired by the Neurogeometry of the Visual Cortex. Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing - 10th International Symposium, ISMM 2011, Verbania-Intra, Italy, July 6-8, 2011. Proceedings; 07/2011, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-21569-8_21
[a14] Using Social Media Add Depth to Unemployment Statistics. White Paper, UN Global Pulse & SAS (Dec 2011).
[m2] UN unveils initial findings on uses of real-time data for development work; UN news, 8 Dec 2012
[a13] Nicolas Olivier*, Miguel A Luengo-Oroz*, Louise Duloquin*, Emmanuel Faure, Thierry Savy, Israël Veilleux, Xavier Solinas, Delphine Débarre, Paul Bourgine, Andrés Santos, Nadine Peyriéras, Emmanuel Beaurepaire: Cell Lineage Reconstruction of Early Zebrafish Embryos Using Label-Free Nonlinear Microscopy. Science 08/2010; 329(5994):967-71., DOI:10.1126/science.1189428
[a12] Carlos Castro-Gonzalez, Miguel Angel Luengo-Oroz, Louise Douloquin, Thierry Savy, Camilo Melani, Sophie Desnoulez, Maria Jesus Ledesma-Carbayo, Paul Bourginey, Nadine Peyrieras, Andres Santos: Towards a digital model of zebrafish embryogenesis. Integration of cell tracking and gene expression quantification. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference 08/2010; 2010:5520-3., DOI:10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5626769
[m1] Las primeras horas de un embrión de pez cebra en 3D, EL Mundo, 20 Aug 2010
[a11] Miguel Ángel Luengo-Oroz, Emmanuel Faure, Jesús Angulo: Robust Iris Segmentation on Uncalibrated Noisy Images Using Mathematical Morphology. Image and Vision Computing 02/2010; 28(2-28):278-284., DOI:10.1016/j.imavis.2009.04.018
[a10] J.L. Rubio-Guivernau, M.A. Luengo-Oroz, L Duloquin, T Savy, Nadine Peyriéras, P Bourgine, A Santos: Combining Sea Urchin Embryo Cell Lineages by Error-Tolerant Graph Matching. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference 09/2009; 2009:5918-21., DOI:10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5334851
[a9] D Pastor, M.A. Luengo-Oroz, B Lombardot, I Gonzalvez, L Duloquin, T Savy, P Bourgine, Nadine Peyriéras, A Santos: Cell tracking in fluorescence images of embryogenesis processes with morphological reconstruction by 4D-tubular structuring elements. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference 09/2009; 2009:970-3., DOI:10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5333756
[a8] C Castro, M.A. Luengo-Oroz, S Desnoulez, L Duloquin, L Fernandez-de-Manuel, S Montagna, M.J. Ledesma-Carbayo, P Bourgine, Nadine Peyriéras, A Santos: An Automatic Quantification and Registration Strategy to Create a Gene Expression Atlas of Zebrafish Embryogenesis. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference 09/2009; 2009:1469-72., DOI:10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5332436
[a7] Michiel Schaap, et al: Standardized Evaluation Methodology and Reference Database for Evaluating Coronary Artery Centerline Extraction Algorithms. Medical image analysis 07/2009; 13(5):701-14., DOI:10.1016/
[a6] Miguel Angel Luengo-Oroz, Jesús Angulo: Cyclic Mathematical Morphology in Polar-Logarithmic Representation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 04/2009; 18(5):1090-6., DOI:10.1109/TIP.2009.2013078
[a5] Miguel A. Luengo-Oroz, Louise Duloquin, Carlos Castro, Thierry Savy, Emmanuel Faure, Benoit Lombardot, Paul Bourgine, Nadine Peyriéras, Andrés Santos: Can Voronoi diagram model cell geometries in early sea-urchin embryogenesis?. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Paris, France, May 14-17, 2008; 05/2008, DOI:10.1109/ISBI.2008.4541043
[a4] M. A. Luengo-Oroz, M. J. Ledesma-Carbayo, J. J. Gómez-Diego, M. A. García-Fernandez, M. Desco, A. Santos: Morphological tubular extraction applied to coronary artery reconstruction in CT-images. 5th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, pp. 391-395. Innsbruck, Feb. 2007.
[a3] Miguel A Luengo-Oroz, Emmanuel Faure, Benoit Lombardot, R. Sance, Paul Bourgine, Nadine Peyriéras, A. Santos: Twister Segment Morphological Filtering. A New Method for Live Zebrafish Embryos Confocal Images Processing. Image Processing, 2007. ICIP 2007. IEEE International Conference on; 09/2007, DOI:10.1109/ICIP.2007.4379813
[a2] Miguel A. Luengo-Oroz, María J. Ledesma-Carbayo, J. J. Gómez-Diego, Miguel A. García-Fernández, Manuel Desco, Andrés Santos: Extraction of the Coronary Artery Tree in Cardiac Computer Tomographic Images Using Morphological Operators. Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, 4th International Conference, FIMH 2007, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, June 7-9, 2007, Proceedings; 06/2007, DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-72907-5_43
[a1] Miguel A. Luengo-Oroz, Jesús Angulo, Georges Flandrin, Jacques Klossa: Mathematical Morphology in Polar-Logarithmic Coordinates. Application to Erythrocyte Shape Analysis. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Second Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2005, Estoril, Portugal, June 7-9, 2005, Proceedings, Part II; 06/2005, DOI:10.1007/11492542_25